Those who worship along side
us at PPC honor God by sharing their
talent in stories, thoughts, and songs.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.. Philipians 48

“I write for women, as I am one. There are all kinds of women, each of us unique, but we share certain ways of looking at life in all its perplexity. I guess I would say I know us best, but then, we are each—still—a mystery. I love the mystery. “

Jan Loyd
A Branch in the ViNe

Jan writes: “Years ago, God used Andrew Murray’s book Abide in Christ to transform my Christian walk. I came to realize, 'I'm just a branch' — a beloved one, and that’s all I ever have to be. I came to realize the Life of Christ, the Vine, will flow in and through me as I just rest in Him as a branch. This is what I write about —union with Christ as Life, and how this affects life on this earth. Join me in this journey, fellow branch in the Vine."

I am the Vine, you are the branches.  He who abides in Me , and I in Him, bears much fruit.  For apart from Me, you can do nothing. John 15:5

Amy has this to say about her site. “So the story goes like this…One day I said to myself, “Self, there really aren’t enough blogs in the world. Let us make a blog in our own image, in our likeness.” I leave it up to you to determine if it is “good”. I personally have my doubts.”