Acquaintance, Not Accomplishment or Entertainment: A Parent’s Goal for Reading the Bible Aloud to their Kids

Every year I read aloud Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol to my family between Thanksgiving and Christmas. My kids have grown to know the characters. They laugh when Mrs. Cratchit reluctantly refers to Mr. Scrooge as, “the founder of the feast” and indignantly adds, “indeed.” The little ones get nervous and scared at the description of the Third Spirit, and we all feel the sadness when we see a future where Tiny Tim has passed. Even beyond the reading of the book itself, they now understand references to it in everyday life. From Dad being grumpy and apologizing for being a “Scrooge”, or drawing comparisons, or asking questions, or simply making fun. What my children also learn is not about Dickens and his characters, but about their father and his character. They see a Dad who delights in reading this story to them, and in the story itself. I believe I can confidently say that my children are “acquainted” with Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and have been from a young age. Therefore, I guess they are somewhat acquainted with Dickens himself. Regardless, I hope their “knowledge” of Dickens, and his story, has been such a delight that they treasure it long after I’m gone. 

In this same vein I invite you to consider what Paul said to Timothy in his second letter to him.

“and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings.” 2 Timothy 3:15a

Here is Paul, in his second letter to Timothy, reminding him of the acquaintance he had to the sacred writings from childhood. Who gave Timothy this acquaintance or knowledge of the Scriptures? Presumably, Paul is referencing Timothy’s mother and grandmother whom he referred to in the first part of his letter (1:5).

Timothy’s mother and grandmother spoke of the sacred writings to Timothy from a young age. This meant they told him the stories of God’s faithfulness. Thus, Timothy was acquainted with the stories of God’s people. Paul is now going to tell him why that is a far greater blessing than having an acquaintance to other writings. Those sacred writings are able to make Timothy wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Unlike Dickens, God’s Word comes with transformative life-giving ability. God’s story, in fact, has the power to make the reader/listener wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. This is what Paul concludes,

“which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 3:15b  

The problem is that as Americans, and maybe just as fallen humans, we turn everything into “a thing” to accomplish, even knowing/reading the Bible. Consider what Paul E. Miller states about prayer, but apply it to reading of Scripture as a family:

“American culture is probably the hardest place in the world to learn to pray (or read the Bible). We are so busy that when we slow down to pray (read the Bible), we find it uncomfortable. We prize accomplishments and production. But prayer (Bible reading) is nothing but talking (acquainting) with God. It feels useless, as if we are wasting time. Every bone in our bodies screams, “Get to work.”[1]

Bible reading is neither done for accomplishment or entertainment, but acquaintance. The goal is to know God. How beautiful for Paul to teach Timothy that instead of us using the Bible to become wise enough for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, God uses His Word to make us wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. The Word does the work. What a picture of the Good News. Paul is telling Timothy that his exposure to the sacred writings from a young age was a blessing, because those sacred writings have lifesaving ability. Engagement with Dickens from a young age may make you wise to virtues like generosity and contentment, but engagement with the Scriptures is able to make wise for salvation from your sins through faith in Jesus Christ.

Is it possible that the only necessary thing required for my children to be acquainted with a book, in a healthy non-accomplishment, non-entertainment way, is for me to love that book? I think so. 

What an added benefit as we read aloud the Bible to our children. Not only will our children grow to know the characters, be perplexed at the folly of Pharaoh, the disobedience of Israel, and marvel at the mercifully mysterious ways of God. Not only will they understand references to the Bible in everyday life and culture, be able to draw comparisons, ask questions, and make fun. Not only will they see a Dad who delights in the story, and reading and discussing it with them. But, this is the only Book they will ever read whose writings have the actual, real- life ability to make them wise for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. Exposure to this story at a young age is a great gift to our children. Not for accomplishment, not for entertainment, but for acquaintance to the one true God who works through His Word. Lord-willing, the Word’s work in their life will produce such transformation that their Bibles will never collect dust on their shelves like Dickens, but will be opened, treasured, and enjoyed for all the days of their life.

Persevere,                                                                                                                                                                                          Joey Turner                                                                                                                                                                          Pastor of Student Ministry



[1] “A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World” by Paul E. Miller pg. 3

Tephany Martin